Mech-Center 1.7.2 Release Notes

This document introduces the new features, improvements, and resolved issues of Mech-Center 1.7.2.

New Features

Standard Interface Supports the Mitsubishi MELSEC Protocol

Standard Interface communication with the Mitsubishi PLC based on the Mitsubishi MELSEC protocol is supported. The vision system acts as the client, and the Mitsubishi PLC device acts as the server in the communication. You can configure the Standard Interface communication based on the Mitsubishi MELSEC protocol in “Robot and Interface Communication” of Mech-Vision.

Standard Interface Supports UDP

Standard Interface communication based on UDP is supported. The vision system acts as the server in the communication. The usage and commands are similar to that of the TCP/IP protocol. Among all supported robots, only HYUNDAI robots use UDP to communicate with the vision system.

Standard Interface Supports Integration with ROKAE Industrial Robots, HYUNDAI Industrial Robots, and NACHI Industrial Robots

Standard Interface programs for ROKAE industrial robots, HYUNDAI industrial robots, and NACHI industrial robots have been added in Mech-Center 1.7.2. Please refer to Standard Interface Communication with ROKAE, Standard Interface Communication with HYUNDAI, and Standard Interface Communication with NACHI for more information.

New URCap Plugin 1.5.0 for PolyScope 6 System

URCap plugin 1.5.0 (1.5.0.urcap and 1.5.0.urcapx) is supported in Mech-Center 1.7.2.


In UR PolyScope 6 system, the file extension of URCap plugin is .urcapx. PolyScope 6 is no longer compatible with the previous .urcap file.

The compatible versions of PolyScope and Mech-Mind Software Suite for the URCap plugins are shown in the table below. Please select the URCap plugin file according to the version of PolyScope used by the robot.

URcap Plugin File

PolyScope Version

Mech-Mind Software Suite Version


e-Series: 5.9 or above (below 6.0) CB-Series: 3.14 or above



e-Series: 6.0 or above



e-Series: 5.3 or above (below 6.0) CB-Series: 3.9 or above

1.6.1 or above

Compared with URCap plugin 1.4.6, URCap plugin 1.5.0 has the following new features:

  • Can get the planned path from the “Path Planning” Step in Mech-Vision.

  • Support inputting the project ID, parameter recipe number, branch number, and exit port number by using variables.

  • Support receiving various output results from Mech-Vision, such as Basic (vision points and labels), Custom (vision points, labels, and data output by custom ports), and Planned path (waypoints and labels output by the “Path Planning” Step).

Standard Interface Supports Communication with AB PLC Based on EtherNet/IP

Standard Interface communication with the Allen‑Bradley PLC (hereafter referred to as AB PLC) based on EtherNet/IP is supported. The vision system acts as the slave device, and the AB PLC acts as the master device in the communication. You can configure the EtherNet/IP communication in “Robot and Interface Communication” of Mech-Vision.


Notify the Robot That Command 101 Is Successfully Triggered after the Image Is Captured

In Eye In Hand scenarios using the software of previous versions, a “Notify” Step should be added after the “Capture Images from Camera” Step in the Mech-Vision project. This connection aimed to move the robot right after the image was captured, without waiting for the Mech-Vision project to stop.

In the new version, adding the “Notify” Step is no longer necessary. Instead, you can navigate to “Robot and Interface Configuration” > “Advanced Settings” in Mech-Vision and select Return “1102: Successfully triggered” after the capture. Once this option is selected, the robot will start to move after it triggers the Mech-Vision project and receives “1102: Successfully triggered”, thus reducing the cycle time.


In the new version, if Standard Interface based on PROFINET protocol is used, the robot can move after the image is captured in either of the following settings.

  • When a “Notify” Step is added after the “Capture Images from Camera” Step, the signal value of Trigger Acknowledge can be used as the condition indicator.

  • When Return “1102: Successfully triggered” after the capture is selected, the status code 1102 can be used as the condition indicator.

Resolved Issues

Mech-Center 1.7.2 has fixed the following issues:

  • For automatic calibration with Standard Interface, a timeout might occur when setting calibration parameters in Mech-Vision.

  • An error might occur if the branch was set immediately after the Mech-Viz project was triggered to run.