Estimate Point Cloud Edges by 2D Method


This Step extracts the edges from input point clouds.


Usage Scenario

This Step is usually used in the loading of the planar workpiece to obtain point cloud edges of planar workpieces. This step is usually used with 3D matching Steps. This Step is faster than Estimate Point Cloud Edges by 3D Method. It is recommended to use it for projects requiring short cycle times, with large quantities of 3D point cloud interference, and only requiring extracting the outermost edge points of the target object point clouds.

Input and Output



Contour Settings

2D Line Width
Default Value: 3
Instruction: This parameter is used to adjust the line size of the profile. When the value is increased, the extracted contour becomes thicker. When the value is reduced, the extracted contour becomes thinner.
Contour Retrieval Mode
  • CV_RETR_EXTERNAL: only detects the contours and ignores inner holes.

  • CV_RETR_LIST: detects all contours but does not establish mutual inclusion relation.

  • CV_RETR_TREE: detects all contours and establish mutual inclusion relation.

  • CV_RETR_CCOMP: detects all contours and establish mutual inclusion relation of two layers.

Min Length
Default Value: 20
Instruction: This parameter provides the contour filtering function. When the number of pixels contained in the extracted contour is smaller than the value, the contour will be filtered out. When the number is larger than the value, the contour will be displayed.
Merge Contours in Same Point Cloud
Default Value: False
List of Values: True, False
Instruction: This parameter determines whether all profiles belonging to the same input point cloud will be merged together.

Morphological Operation Settings

Dilation Kernel Size
Default Value: 3
Instruction: This parameter is used to control the expansion size used by the expansion algorithm in the process of filling holes. When this parameter is increased, the filling effect of hole caused by expansion effect is obvious.
Erosion Kernel Size
Default Value: 3
Instruction: This parameter is used to control the size of the corrosion dimension used when the corrosion algorithm is used in the process of filling holes. When this parameter is increased, the hole enlargement caused by corrosion effect is obvious.