Blob Analysis


This Step binarizes the input image, detects Blobs in the image, calculates their contours, pixel-wise areas, circularities, and rectangularities, and validates the Blobs one by one according to the set standard.

Usage Scenario

This Step is usually used to detect objects in 2D images in measurement scenarios.

Input and Output

  • Input:

  1. Image input to this port will be binarized and have Blob(s) calculated.

  2. 2D transformation input at this port is used to transform the ROI set in a previous execution to the appropriate position.

  • Output:

  1. Visualization Image.

  2. Pixel-wise coordinates of Blobs’ contours’ vertices.

  3. Pixel-wise coordinates of the Blobs’ min circumscribed rectangles’ vertices.

  4. Number of Blobs output.

  5. Pixel-wise areas of Blobs.

  6. Circularity values of the Blobs obtained by dividing the areas of the Blobs by the areas of circles whose perimeters are the perimeters of the Blobs.

  7. Rectangularity values of the Blobs obtained by dividing the areas of the Blobs by their minimum circumscribed rectangles’ areas.

  8. Validation result Boolean list of the output Blobs. The validation rules are set by the parameters under “Validation Settings”.

  9. Mask images of the Blobs. The non-zero pixel value regions are the masks.