Parameter Panel

This topic introduces the components and functions of the parameter panel, located on the right side of Mech-Eye Viewer’s interface.

The parameter panel consists of the following sections:



Visibility affects what parameters you can see below in the parameter list. There are three levels: Beginner, Expert and Guru.


The Guru level is only available in the Administrator account. If you need to use them, please contact Technical Support for the password.

  • Beginner parameters are the basic and frequently used parameters, and are also available under the other Visibility levels.

  • Additional parameters in Expert and Guru levels are advanced parameters.

Functions of the buttons to the right:




Expand all the parameter categories in the parameter list.


Collapse all the parameter categories in the parameter list.

Parameter Group

In actual applications, usually different parameter values are used for different target objects, different lighting conditions, etc. You can create parameter groups to save different combinations of parameter values and change the parameter values with a couple of clicks.

Create and Use a Parameter Group

  1. In the Parameter Group section, click icon_plus to the right of the drop-down menu. A small window will pop up.

  2. In the pop-up window, enter a name for the new parameter group, and then click OK to save it.


    The new parameter group is automatically selected after creation.

  3. Adjust the parameters. Then, click Save in the Parameter Group section to save the new values to this parameter group.


    An asterisk (*) after a parameter’s name indicates that the current value of this parameter is not saved to the current parameter group. Make sure you save the changes promptly.

  4. If your project requires different parameter values under different circumstances, create a parameter group for each circumstance.

  • To use a different parameter group:

    In the Parameter Group section, click the drop-down button and select from the list.

  • To change the saved values of a parameter group:

    After selecting the parameter group, adjust the parameter values, and then click Save in the Parameter Group section.


The default and calib parameter groups are built-in and cannot be deleted or renamed.

Buttons in the Parameter Group Section

Parameter List

All the available parameters under the currently selected Visibility are listed in this section.

You can adjust parameter values here to improve the quality of the 2D image, depth map and point cloud.

Parameter Information

Select a parameter in the parameter list section, and the corresponding parameter information is displayed here.

Parameter information in this section includes a brief description of the parameter, Name, data Type, Minimum and Maximum values, Default Value, and Visibility.

Continue reading for explanations of parameters. The next topic is on parameters for the 2D image.