Save Data

In Mech-Eye Viewer, you can save the obtained 2D image, depth map and point cloud or the raw data from the camera.

Save Images

You can save the last obtained 2D image, depth map, and/or point cloud by clicking icon_save in the camera toolbar.


Options in the Save Images window are as follows:



Save to

Select the path to which the data will be saved.

Current Index

Set an index and the software will automatically add the index to the filenames.

Data Type

Select the data type(s) that you would like to save.

Overwrite Existing Files

If checked, existing files will be overwritten by new files with the same names.

Use Last Obtained Data

If checked, the last obtained data will be saved. If unchecked, the camera will perform capturing after you click Save.


Click to save the selected data.

Open With Explorer

Open the selected path in file explorer.

Save Raw Data of Camera

You can save the raw data captured by the camera in MRAW format by clicking File ‣ Save Raw Data of Camera.

The raw data can help Technical Support locate the causes of issues. Therefore, please save the raw data of the problematic capture before contacting Technical Support.

In addition, if you wish to adjust the Point Cloud Processing, Depth Range and ROI parameters later on, you can load the raw data through File ‣ Start Virtual Camera and adjust these parameters. You can save the 2D image, depth map and point cloud from a virtual camera as well.