Create and Save Solution

This section introduces how to create a new solution and save it.

Create a New Solution

Create a New Blank Solution

There are 3 ways to create a new blank solution:

  • Click New blank solution in the Welcome interface.

  • Select File ‣ New Solution in the menu bar of the main interface.

  • If you do not open any solution or project in the main interface of Mech-Vision, click New Solution in the middle of the interface.


Save the Solution

After a new solution is created, it is recommended to specify a directory to save the solution in time.

There are 2 ways to save the solution:

  • Select File ‣ Save Solution in the menu bar.

  • Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + S.


  • If you want to rename the solution, please refer to Rename the Solution.

  • If you want the solution to be opened automatically the next time you open the software, please refer to Autoload Solution.