Mech-Viz 1.7.4 Release Notes

This document introduces the improvements and resolved issues of Mech-Viz 1.7.4.


Added Region-Specific Software License Control

The software license is updated to add the restriction of using the software in regions where the software is purchased.

In Mech-Viz 1.7.4, you can go to Help > About to check the software license and region restriction.

Removed “System Language” from the Software “Language” Option

From Mech-Viz 1.7.4, “System Language” has been removed from the “Language” option (Settings ‣ Options ‣ Common ‣ Language) of the software. If the operating system language of the computer is not a language supported by the software (English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean), the default language when the software is installed for the first time is English.

This improvement has resolved the following two issues:

  • The link redirection failed and Step names were displayed abnormally in the software when the operating system language of the computer was not a language supported by the software.

  • The language pack could not be loaded successfully according to the operating system language of the computer.


  • The “Palletizing” parameter for Palletizing Steps was changed to “Pallet position”.

  • The information about rows in a box group, box_group_row_count, was added to the log and plan_result related to the “Vision Move” Step.

Resolved Issues

Mech-Viz 1.7.4 has fixed the following issues:

  • The “Delete Object” command in the context menu of the 3D simulation area was not been disabled during project simulation or running.

  • When the workobject rotational symmetry and tool rotational symmetry settings were applied at the same time, an error might occur in the workobject rotational symmetry attempt.

  • When there was not a move-type Step before the “Branch by Msg” Step, the Out Port When Skip setting would not take effect.

  • The vision result labels were lost after the software reused vision results.

  • Dragging any log entry might cause the software to crash.

  • After “Limit Total Count” in a “Vision Move” Step was enabled, not all possible grouping results were provided.

  • The suction cup DO that was planned by using the “Vision Move” Step might be incorrect.

  • When the “Vision Continue Palletizing” Step was used to match the pallet pattern, the orientation of the pallet pattern might be incorrect.

  • When the workobject model was a custom model, a collision might fail to be detected during the collision detection.