Mech-Vision 1.7.4 Release Notes

This document introduces the improvements, and resolved issues ofMech-Vision 1.7.4.


Added Region-Specific Software License Control

The software license is updated to add the restriction of using the software in regions where the software is purchased.

In Mech-Vision 1.7.4, you can go to Help ‣ About to check the software license and region restrictions.

Removed “System Language” from the Software “Language” Option

From Mech-Vision 1.7.4, “System Language” has been removed from the “Language” option (Settings ‣ Options ‣ Common ‣ Language) of the software. If the operating system language of the computer is not a language supported by the software (English, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, or Korean), the default language when the software is installed for the first time is English.

This improvement has resolved the following two issues:

  • The link redirection failed and Step names were displayed abnormally in the software when the operating system language of the computer was not a language supported by the software.

  • The language pack could not be loaded successfully according to the operating system language of the computer.

Scene Point Cloud Supported Point Cloud List

From Mech-Vision 1.7.4, when setting the scene point cloud for reference on the Project Assistant tab, you can select an output port that provides a list of point clouds.

Remove Some Projects/Solutions from the Solution Library

To ensure the quality and performance of the projects and solutions in the solution library, some projects and solutions have been temporarily removed from the solution library in Mech-Vision 1.7.4. These projects and solutions will be improved and re-uploaded in subsequent versions. The removed projects and solutions are listed in the table below.


Name (Built-in projects or solutions are marked in bold)

Workpiece Loading

Crankshaft (Large), Full Partition, Shallow Bin, Aluminum Ingot Bricks, Crankshafts (Small), Condensers, CV Joints, Copper Wires, Connecting Rods, Chain Links, Compressors, Four-Wall Iron Bin (Good Point Cloud), Gaskets (Small), Gear Shafts, Hubs, Iron Balls, Iron Bin (Four Columns), Incompletely Captured Bin, Iron Bin (Double Side Walls), Leaf Springs, Large Rings, Multiple Partitions, Neatly Arranged Small Workpieces, PVC Panels, Rotors, Ring Gears, Rotating Shafts, Randomly Stacked Small Workpieces (Highly Reflective), Randomly Stacked Small Workpieces (Bolts), Randomly Stacked Small Workpieces (Slightly Reflective), Sleeves, Steel Spacers, Steel Bars, Square Bricks, Valve Connectors

Palletizing & Depalletizing


Locating & Assembly

Wheel Hub Locating, Bolt Locating, Car Frame Locating, Car Door Frame Locating, Screw Hole Locating, Wheel Hub Valve Core Locating

Piece picking

Cables, Medicine Boxes


  • If you have applied any one of the above projects or solutions, you can keep working with them.

  • If you have updated the online solution library resources with the software of previous versions and then upgraded the software to Mech-Vision 1.7.4, the tabs of the projects or solutions may remain. However, the removed projects or solutions cannot be used in the software of the new version.

Resolved Issues

Mech-Vision 1.7.4 has fixed the following issues:

  • There was a small possibility that the “Cluster Point Clouds and Output Eligible Point Clouds” Step outputs a wrong number of point clouds.

  • When single-channel images were inputted into the neural network and “Draw Defect Mask on Image” was enabled for the “Deep Learning Model Package Inference” Step, an OpenCV-related error occurred after the project was run.

  • The model package inference time was too long when the “Deep Learning Model Package Inference” Step was loaded with an object detection model package exported by Mech-DLK 2.4.1 with the export parameter “Max num of inference objects” set to 1 and “Hardware type” set to CPU.

  • There was a small possibility that an OpenCV-related error occurred when the “Deep Learning Model Package Inference” Step was used to perform instance segmentation for the input images.

  • The truss robot’s extrinsic parameter files generated after the hand-eye calibration could not be used together with the Steps “Transform Poses for Truss” and “Transform Point Clouds for Truss”.

  • The “Fixed-Point Move” and “Relative Move” Steps in the “Path Planning” Step still sent waypoints to the robot even if the “Whether to send to robot” parameter was set to “Plan and not send”.