Sort Poses by XYZ Values


This Step sorts poses from the input pose list by any of the X, Y, or Z values and outputs the sorted list and its index list.


Other data lists related to poses, such as masks, can be reordered based on the index list of the sorted poses.

Usage Scenario

This Step is a general Step for pose sorting. It has no fixed usage scenarios.

Input and Output


Parameters Description

Sort Order
Description: Decide whether to sort in ascending or descending order.
List of options:
  • Ascending: Sort poses in ascending order.

  • Descending: Sort poses in descending order.

Default setting: Descending
Value for Sorting
Description: Decide whether X, Y, or Z values of the poses is the basis of the sorting.
List of options:
  • X: sort by the X values of the poses.

  • Y: sort by the Y values of the poses.

  • Z: sort by the Z values of the poses.

Default setting: X