Exposure Assistant

You can obtain the recommended values for 3D Parameters with the Exposure Assistant tool.

To use this tool to obtain the recommended values for 3D Parameters, please follow these steps.

  1. Click Scan Once in the lower right, as shown below. Once a point cloud is displayed, click Next Step.

  2. Set ROI: click and drag on the 2D image to manually select an ROI, or select Set automatically to let the tool automatically select an ROI. Then, click Next Step.


    To obtain better parameter values, the ROI should include only one target object.

    Good ROI

    Bad ROI



  3. Click Start to obtain the recommended values for 3D Parameters. Once a point cloud is displayed, click Finish in the lower right.

  4. A window will pop up asking if you would like to apply the obtained values to the camera. Click Yes to apply. The values are automatically filled to 3D Parameters in the parameter panel.