C++ (Windows)

This topic introduces how to configure the Mech-Eye API C++ samples with CMake and then build the samples with Visual Studio on Windows.

Sample List

Samples are divided into six categories, Basic, Advanced, Util, Laser, UHP and Halcon.

  • Basic: camera connection and basic capturing functions.

  • Advanced: advanced capturing functions.

  • Util: obtain information from a camera and set camera parameters.

  • Laser: for Laser, LSR and DEEP series cameras only.

  • UHP: for UHP series cameras only.

  • Halcon: obtain HALCON-readable point clouds via Mech-Eye API.


In order to use the C++ samples of Mech-Eye API, the following prerequisites must be satisfied.

For instructions on installing the required and optional software, please refer to the following sections.

Install Required Software

In order to use the C++ samples of Mech-Eye API, Mech-Eye SDK, CMake and Visual Studio must be installed.

Install the latest version of Mech-Eye SDK

Please install or upgrade Mech-Eye SDK according to Mech-Eye SDK Installation Guide.

Install CMake (version 3.2 or above)
  1. Download CMake: download the installer to the right of Windows x64 Installer.

  2. When installing, select the following two options to add CMake to environment variables and create a desktop shortcut for CMake.

    • Add CMake to the system PATH for all users

    • Create Cmake Desktop Icon

Install Visual Studio (version 2015 or above)
  1. Download the Visual Studio installer.

  2. When installing, select the following two workloads in the Desktop & Mobile category, and then click Install.

    • Desktop development with C++

    • Universal Windows Platform development


Please restart your computer after installing Visual Studio. If you still need to install the optional software, you can restart your computer after adding environment variables.

Install Optional Software

Some samples contain functions that depend on the following third-party software libraries. If you need to use the samples listed in the table below, you must install the software on which the samples depend.

  • OpenCV: version 3.4.5 or above

  • PCL: version 1.12.1


    PCL is not supported in Visual Studio 2015.

  • HALCON: version 20.11 or above


If any of the optional software is not installed, then you must complete the steps in Disable Unneeded Samples (Optional) before configuring the samples.

Refer to the following table for the samples that depend on third-party software libraries.
















Install OpenCV
  1. Download and install OpenCV. Note down the installation directory of OpenCV.

  2. Add OpenCV to environment variables. Refer to Add Environment Variables for instructions.

Install PCL
  1. Open the PCL download page, click on Assets under PCL 1.12.1, and download PCL-1.12.1-AllInOne-msvc2019-win64.exe.

  2. Run PCL-1.12.1-AllInOne-msvc2019-win64.exe to install PCL. When installing, select Add PCL to the system PATH for all users to add PCL to environment variables.



    The following error message might pop up during installation:

    Warning! PATH too long installer unable to modify PATH!

    In this case, you need to add PCL to environment variables manually. Refer to Add Environment Variables for instructions.

  3. Add OpenNI2 on which PCL depends to environment variables. Refer to Add Environment Variables for instructions.

Install HALCON

Install HALCON 20.11 or above. Please confirm that your HALCON license is still valid.

Add Environment Variables

If you need to use samples that depend on OpenCV or PCL, please add the relevant environment variables according to the following steps.

  1. Right-click This PC on the desktop and select Properties.

  2. Click Advanced system settings, and click Environment Variables in the popped up System Properties window.

  3. Double-click Path in the user variables to enter the Edit environment variable page. Click New in the upper-right and add the following directories one by one. Then, click OK to exit the window.

    • For PCL: C:\Program Files\OpenNI2\Tools

    • For OpenCV: xxx\opencv\build\x64\vc14\bin

    • For OpenCV: xxx\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib

    If you encountered the error message while installing PCL, please add the following directories as well:

    • xxx\PCL 1.12.1\bin

    • xxx\PCL 1.12.1\3rdParty\VTK\bin


Please restart your computer after adding the environment variables. If not restarted, the environmental variables added to PATH may not be effective.

Build and Run Samples

You can build all samples at once or build a single sample individually.

Disable Unneeded Samples (Optional)


If you did not install some of the optional software and still want to build all samples at once, then you must complete the steps in this section. Otherwise, an error will occur during the configuration of samples using CMake.

If you do not need the samples that depend on OpenCV, PCL or HALCON, please edit the CMakeLists file to disable these samples before building all samples at once.

  1. Open CMakeLists.txt in xxx\Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x\API\samples.

  2. Edit lines containing options: find the lines starting options, change ON at the end of the line to OFF to disable the samples that depend on the software mentioned in that line.

    Example: If you do not need to build the sample that depends on HALCON, change ON at the end of the line starting with option(USE_HALCON to OFF.

  3. Save the changes and close CMakeLists.txt.

Configure Samples in CMake

  1. Right-click CMake and select Run as administrator.

  2. Enter the directories of source code and binaries.

    • To build all samples at once, enter the following directories.

    Where is the source code

    xxx\Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x\API\samples

    Where to build the binaries

    xxx\Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x\API\samples\build

    • To build one sample individually, enter the following directories. Replace Category with the category name of the sample and SampleName with the name of the sample.

    Where is the source code

    xxx\Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x\API\samples\Category\SampleName

    Where to build the binaries

    xxx\Mech-Eye SDK-x.x.x\API\samples\Category\SampleName\build

  3. Click Configure in the bottom, and select Visual Studio version, and then click Finish. When the configuration completes, the log will display Configuring done.

  4. Click Generate to generate Visual Studio solution. When the generation completes, the log will display Generating done. Then, click Open Project to open the solution in Visual Studio.

Build Samples in Visual Studio

  1. In Visual Studio toolbar, change the solution configuration from Debug to Release.

  2. In Solution Explorer, right-click Solution ‘xxx’ at the top, and select Build Solution. An EXE format executable file is generated for each sample. The executable files are saved to the Release folder, located in the Where to build the binaries directory that you entered in CMake.

Run a Sample

You can run the samples in Visual Studio after building them, or run the samples by double-clicking the executable files.

Run a sample in Visual Studio
  1. In Solution Explorer, right-click a sample, and select Set as Startup Project.

  2. Click Local Windows Debugger in the toolbar to run the sample.

    While the sample is running, input the device index of the camera to which you want to connect according to the instruction, and press Enter to connect.

  3. If image and/or point cloud files are saved by the sample, you can find the files in the build folder (the Where to build the binaries directory that you entered in CMake).

Run the executable file of a sample
  1. Navigate to the Where to build the binaries directory that you entered in CMake, and open the Release folder.

  2. Run the EXE file with the same name as the sample.

    While the sample is running, input the device index of the camera to which you want to connect according to the instruction, and press Enter to connect.

  3. If image and/or point cloud files are saved by the sample, you can find the files in the Release folder.