STL Models Simplification

Basic Methods

The size of the end effector model file should be no more than 1MB.

Reduce the number of the triangle meshes

Too many triangle meshes of the model may slow down the computation speed in the project. In order to increase the processing efficiency, the unnecessary surface features of models in STL format should be removed.

The unnecessary surface features mainly includes the following:

  • Round parts, such as screws, screw threads, through-holes, countersunk holes, gaskets, suction cups, etc. The threaded holes, screws and other structures on the end effector should be kept and simplified as well, as shown in the following figure.


    The chamfers or fillets should be removed as well, as shown below.

  • Interior structures, such as that of an end effector or camera. For example, the camera can be simplified as a cuboid, and the unnecessary interior structure can be wrapped inside the polyhedra directly, as shown below.

  • Others, such as texts, grids, external devices, cables, etc.


Keep the original shape of the end effector

  • Keep the basic shape of the end effector, such as curved parts, the shape of the gripper, etc., as shown below.


Keep the protrusions of the end effector, such as sensors, cylinders, protruding screws, etc., as shown below.


Adjust the shape of the end effector according to actual needs

  • For projects with high requirements on collision detection, even a slight deviation will lead to a collision or damage to the workobjects, and therefore the details of the end effector should be emphasized.

  • Parts of the end effector that will not collide with the point clouds of workobjects and scene objects during picking can be removed.

  • Adjust the lines of the end effector model according to the actual situation of the project to make it more reasonable.

    The figure below shows a model before and after being simplified.



Mech-Viz provides a built-in model editor to simplify models. Please refer to Model Editor for detailed instructions.