Construct Mech-Mind Vision System

Check Package Contents

  1. Please make sure that the package is intact when you receive it.

  2. Check according to the Package Contents list in the package to ensure that no devices or accessories are missing or damaged.






Calibration board

Calibrate the camera


Camera accessory box

Mount the camera


IPC (Industrial Personal Computer)

Provide Mech-Mind Software Suite


License dongle

License Mech-Mind Software Suite


User manual

Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera User Manual


Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera

Capture images


HDMI cable

Connect the monitor and IPC


IPC adapter

Supply power to IPC


Flange adapter

Connect the calibration board to robot flange


DC power cable (camera)

Connect the camera and DIN rail power supply


Ethernet cable

Connect the camera and IPC


DIN rail power supply

Supply power to Mech-Eye Industrial 3D Camera


Package Contents

List all the devices and accessories in the package


The table above is for reference only. Please take the Package Contents list in the package as the final. Contact Mech-Mind if there are any items missing or damaged.

Mount the Camera

It is recommended to mount the camera through the camera bracket, which is already attached to the back of the camera when packaged.

  1. Find the bolts and wrench inside the accessory box.

  2. Tighten the two bolts with the wrench to fasten the camera, as shown below:

  3. Please remove the screen protector after the camera is mounted.


If your camera is to be mounted in EIH mode, please refer to Check before Installation for more information.

Mount the IPC (optional)

If the IPC needs to be mounted on a rack, please refer to this section for instructions. If not, you can skip this part and place the IPC wherever you find appropriate.

  1. The wrench, bolts, nuts, and gaskets are not included in the package. Please prepare them beforehand.

  2. Place the bolt, gasket, and nut one by one, and Tighten the two bolts with wrench.


Mount the Accessories

For ETH mounting mode, the calibration board should be mounted on the last joint of the robot. Usually the flange adapter is used to connect the board to the robot.

Please fix the flange adapter on the last joint of the robot with bots, gaskets, and buts, and then fix the calibration board on the flange adapter.

Connect Components of the Vision System

Please refer to this part to connect components of the Mech-Mind Vision System, as shown below:


Connect the Camera


Camera connection consists of two parts:

  • Connect the camera and IPC with the Ethernet cable.

    Insert the bump on the M12 connector into the notch of the port.

  • Power the camera with the DIN rail power supply.

    1. The AC power cable has three wires: PE, N, and L. Insert them into the 220 V input connector ( PE, N, L) respectively.

    2. Connect DC power cable:

      • Connect the +V wire to the +V connectors of the 24 V output connectors.

      • Connect the -V wire to the -V connectors of the 24 V output connectors.

      • Connect the PE wire to the 220 V input connector PE.


Connect the IPC

  • Connect the IPC and the monitor (use your own) with the HDMI cable.

    Insert one end of the HDMI cable into the HDMI port on the back of the monitor, the other end into the HDMI port of the IPC, as shown below.

  • Power the IPC with the power adapter.

    Insert the power cable of the adapter into the power port of the IPC.

    Connect the adapter to power on the other end.

  • Insert the license dongle.

    Insert the license dongle into the USB port of the IPC.

Connect the Robot IPC Controller

Connect the controller to the power supply.

Connect the Network

Connect the Network

Insert the other end of the Ethernet cable connected to the camera into the Ethernet port of the IPC.


Prepare an RJ45-to-RJ45 Ethernet cable and insert one end of the cable into the Ethernet port of the robot controller and the other end into the Ethernet port of the IPC.

Set IP Address on IPC

  1. Start the IPC and go to Control Panel ‣ Network and Internet ‣ Network and Sharing Center ‣ Change adapter settings and enter the Networking page.

  2. Right-click the Ethernet port connected to the camera/robot, and select Properties.

  3. In the pop-up window, click Internet protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and select Properties.


The IP addresses of the IPC Ethernet ports should not be set in the same subnet, otherwise IP address conflict may occur.

Set Camera IP Address

  1. Run Mech-Eye Viewer on the IPC.

  2. Hover the cursor on the camera for which you’d like to set the IP address. Click icon_setting to open the window for IP address configuration.

  3. Select Set as Static IP, and select the IP Address Class according to your actual situation. Then, set the IP address and subnet mask for the camera and click Apply.


The camera’s IP address must be set in the same subnet as the IP address of the IPC Ethernet port connected to the camera.

Set Robot IP Address

Please follow the robot’s user manual to set the robot IP address.


The robot’s IP address must be in the same subnet as the IP address of the IPC Ethernet port connected to the robot controller.

Check the Network Connectivity between the IPC and the Camera/Robot

  1. Press Window + R to open the Run dialog box.

  2. Type cmd and click OK.

  3. Type ping XXX.XXX.XX.XX in the command prompt window. Press Enter to run the command.


    Replace XXX.XXX.XX.XX with the actual IP address of the camera/robot.

  4. Check whether the returned messages of the command is as follows:

    Pinging XXX.XXX.XX.XX with 32 bytes of data:
    Reply from XXX.XXX.XX.XX: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from XXX.XXX.XX.XX: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from XXX.XXX.XX.XX: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128
    Reply from XXX.XXX.XX.XX: bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Install the Software

Mech-Mind Software Suite is already installed on the IPC purchased from Mech-Mind.

Please check whether the software on the IPC are updated to the latest versions. If not, please refer to the following chapters for instructions on updating the software.

Image Check

After confirming the network connectivity between the IPC and the camera/robot, follow the steps below to confirm that the vision system can operate normally to capture images.

  1. Place workpieces at the center of the camera’s FOV, and ensure that workpieces on the edge and at the top are all within the FOV.

  2. Start Mech-Eye Viewer, connect it to the camera, and perform image capturing.

  3. Check whether the captured images are up to standard.


If the images are below the required standard, please refer to Mech-Eye Viewer Parameter Adjustment.

Now, you have completed the construction of Mech-Mind Vision System and confirmed that it can operate normally. Next, you can create a vision solution and take your first pick!