Camera Configuration

The interface for camera configuration is shown below.

  1. Select the camera to connect:

    Double-click the camera to be connected in the camera list, and the remaining steps can be activated after the connection is successful.

  2. Adjust camera parameters:

    Adjust camera parameters via Mech-Eye Viewer. For more information on camera parameter adjustments, please refer to Parameter Adjustment.

  3. Calibrate the camera:

    Click the drop-down menu to select Mech-Vision Auto or Teach Pendant mode.

    Mech-Vision Auto mode requires connecting to the robot. Click ? to view the operation prompts. Please connect the robot according to the prompts.

    Click on Start Calibration and follow the prompts to complete the calibration. Please refer to Hand-Eye Calibration Guide for more information about calibration.

  4. Calibration result:

    The corresponding folder saving the extrinsic parameters is automatically selected, and no manual processing is required.