Mech-Eye API 2.3.3
API reference documentation for Mech-Eye 3D Laser Profiler
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CArray2DRepresents a 2D container of data
 CBatchArrayRepresents the data struct of the profile data
 CBoolParameterRepresents a _Bool-type device parameter
 CEnumParameterRepresents an _Enum-type device parameter
 CErrorStatusDescribes the types of errors
 CFloatArrayParameterRepresents a _FloatArray-type device parameter
 CFloatParameterRepresents a _Float-type device parameter
 CIntParameterRepresents an _Int-type device parameter
 CParameterRepresents a parameter of the device
 CProfileDescribes a single profile
 CProfileBatchRepresents a batch of profiles, which can be obtained by calling Profiler::retrieveBatchData(). It contains four elements of profile index, encoder value, intensity image, and depth map
 CProfilerOperates the laser profiler. Use Profiler::connect to connect an available laser profiler, retrieve profile data, configure parameters and so on
 CProfilerEventDescribes the event of profiler. Use ProfilerEvent::registerProfilerEventCallback to register an event of interest
 CProfilerInfoDescribes the laser profiler information
 CRangeDescribes a value range
 CRangeParameterRepresents a _Range-type device parameter
 CROIDescribes a region of interest (ROI)
 CRoiParameterRepresents an _Roi-type device parameter
 CSizeDescribes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height
 CUserSetManagerManages device user sets
 CVersionDescribes the version information