Mech-Eye API 2.3.3
API reference documentation for Mech-Eye 3D Laser Profiler
▼Nmmind | |
▼Neye | |
▼Nbrightness_settings | |
CAnalogGain | |
CAnalogGainFor8030 | |
CDigitalGain | |
CExposureMode | |
CExposureTime | |
CHdrExposureTimeProportion1 | |
CHdrExposureTimeProportion2 | |
CHdrFirstThreshold | |
CHdrSecondThreshold | |
CLaserPower | |
▼Ncorrection | |
CHeightCorrectionRatio | |
CTiltCorrectionAngle | |
▼Npoint_cloud_resolutions | |
CXAxisResolution | |
CYResolution | |
▼Nprofile_extraction | |
CBrightnessAdjustment | |
CEdgeSelection | |
CMaxLaserLineWidth | |
CMaxSpotIntensity | |
CMinGrayscaleValue | |
CMinLaserLineWidth | |
CMinSharpness | |
CMinSpotIntensity | |
CSpotSelection | |
▼Nprofile_processing | |
CFilter | |
CGapFilling | |
CGapFillingEdgePreservation | |
CMeanFilterWindowSize | |
CMedianFilterWindowSize | |
CResampling | |
CResamplingEdgePreservation | |
▼Nroi | |
CZDirectionRoi | |
▼Nscan_settings | |
CCallbackRetrievalTimeout | |
CDataPointsPerProfile | |
CExposureDelay | |
CScanLineCount | |
▼Ntrigger_settings | |
CDataAcquisitionTriggerSource | |
CEncoderTriggerDirection | |
CEncoderTriggerInterval | |
CEncoderTriggerSignalCountingMode | |
CLineScanTriggerSource | |
CMaxScanRate | |
CSoftwareTriggerRate | |
CArray2D | Represents a 2D container of data |
CBatchArray | Represents the data struct of the profile data |
CBoolParameter | Represents a _Bool-type device parameter |
CEnumParameter | Represents an _Enum-type device parameter |
CErrorStatus | Describes the types of errors |
CFloatArrayParameter | Represents a _FloatArray-type device parameter |
CFloatParameter | Represents a _Float-type device parameter |
CIntParameter | Represents an _Int-type device parameter |
CParameter | Represents a parameter of the device |
CProfile | Describes a single profile |
CProfileBatch | Represents a batch of profiles, which can be obtained by calling Profiler::retrieveBatchData(). It contains four elements of profile index, encoder value, intensity image, and depth map |
CProfiler | Operates the laser profiler. Use Profiler::connect to connect an available laser profiler, retrieve profile data, configure parameters and so on |
CProfilerEvent | Describes the event of profiler. Use ProfilerEvent::registerProfilerEventCallback to register an event of interest |
CProfilerInfo | Describes the laser profiler information |
CRange | Describes a value range |
CRangeParameter | Represents a _Range-type device parameter |
CROI | Describes a region of interest (ROI) |
CRoiParameter | Represents an _Roi-type device parameter |
CSize | Describes a two-dimensional size with a width and a height |
CUserSet | |
CUserSetManager | Manages device user sets |
CVersion | Describes the version information |
CVirtualProfiler | |
CVirtualUserSet |