

This Step is used to send messages to external services.

Usage Scenario

This Step is usually used in scenarios where an external device is required for the communication.

Parameter Description

Basic Non-Move

Please refer to General Parameters of Non-Move Steps for detailed information.

Adapter Name

This parameter specifies the Adapter that will receive the message from this Step. If there are multiple notify Steps in the project, the Adapter name set in the Steps should be the same.


The customized message. The Adapter executes different logic according to the content of the message. For example, you can set the message to “finish” if the branch operation ends.

Action When Failed

Description: This parameter specifies the action of the software when the notification message is not sent successfully.


  • Warning: Sends a warning message (Default value).

  • Retry: Tries to re-send the message.

  • Throw: Discard the notify Step.

Need Robot Stop

If this parameter is selected, the robot will pause when the project executes to this Step. If this parameter is not selected, the robot will keep moving while the Step sends the message.


If the message fails to be sent after the timeout period (unit: ms), the robot will perform the Action When Failed.

Usage Example

As shown in the figures below, an Adapter Name is set, and a finish message will be sent to the Adapter if the software fails to plan a path.
