External Move


Contents of this Step are under maintenance. If you need more information about this Step with urgency, please contact us at docs@mech-mind.net.


This Step is used to obtain the waypoint from external services and move the robot to that waypoint. It must be used in conjunction with the Adapter.

Parameter Description

Move-Type Step Common Parameters

Please refer to General Parameters of Move-Type Steps for detailed information.

Held Workobject Collision Detection Settings

Please refer to Held Workobject Collision Detection Settings for detailed information.

Service Name

Adapter’s external service name registered in Mech-Center, which is used to connect the interface of this Step and send waypoints. Please make sure that the service name is the same as the Adapter name.

Use JPs from External Service

Unselected by default, i.e., the software will use the previous waypoint as the initial position when planning the path.

Once this option is selected, the initial position for path planning will be the joint positions obtained from external services. This function is usually used in the scenarios where Mech-Viz is not used for master-control of the robot.