Extract 3D Points in Cylinder


Extract point clouds inside specified cylinders, the point clouds outside the cylinders will be discarded.


Usage Scenario

A general point cloud extraction Step. No fixed usage scenarios.

Input and Output



Shape Type
Default Value: Ring
List of Values: Cylinder, Ring, Sector
Instruction: 3D points inside this specified shape will be extracted.

Z Direction Properties

Min Z Value
Default Value: -0.1 m
Instruction: This parameter is used to set the lower limit of distance threshold (in m) along Z axis of the reference coordinate.
Max Z Value
Default Value: 0.1 m
Instruction: This parameter is used to set the upper limit of distance threshold (in m) along Z axis of the reference coordinate.

Ring and Sector Radius Properties

Inner Radius
Default Value: 0.05 m
Instruction: The minimum distance on XY-plane. To obtain a solid cylinder, this parameter needs to be set as 0 .
Outer Radius
Default Value: 0.1 m
Instruction: The maximum distance on XY-plane.

Sector Angle Properties

The following two parameters appear after choosing Sector in Shape Type, and they are used to configure the shape of the sector.

Start Angle
Default Value: 180°
Instruction: The start angle of the sector on XY-plane.
End Angle
Default Value: 180°
Instruction: The end angle of the sector on XY-plane.

Usage Settings for Input Clouds

Check If Object Inside Cylinder by Its Point Center
Default value: Unselected
Instruction: If this option is selected, the center of the object point cloud is used to check if it is inside the cylinder.
Input Point Cloud Usage
Default Value: All
List of Values: All, FirstOnly
Instruction: This parameter decides whether to only use the first input point cloud.