Struct Scanning3DSettings

Struct Documentation

struct mmind::api::Scanning3DSettings

Settings used for 3D capturing.

Public Members

std::vector<double> ExposureSequence

The exposure time sequence of the camera to capture the 3D images. Multiple exposures will produce a HDR effect.

Long exposure is often used for scanning dark objects and short exposure is often used for scanning reflective objects.

Getter: MechEyeDevice::getScan3DExposure

Setter: MechEyeDevice::setScan3DExposure


Exposure unit: ms

Exposure minimum: 0.1

Exposure maximum: 99

Minimum Vector Size: 1

Maximum Vector Size: 3

double Gain

Camera’s gain value during scanning 3D images.

Gain is an electronic amplification of the image signal. Large gain value is needed only when scanning extremely dark objects.

Getter: MechEyeDevice::getScan3DGain

Setter: MechEyeDevice::setScan3DGain


Minimum: 0

Maximum: 16


Depth map’s ROI along height and width axes in camera coordinate system. Pixels locate out of the ROI will be ignored.

If ROI::height, ROI::width, ROI::x and ROI::y values are all zero, all pixels will be used.

Getter: MechEyeDevice::getScan3DROI

Setter: MechEyeDevice::setScan3DROI


ROI::x must be less than the number of columns in the image. ROI::y must be less than the number of rows in the image. ROI::width must be less than the width of the image. ROI::height must be less than the height of the image.

DepthRange DepthRange

Depth image’s valid range along Z-axis in camera coordinate system.

Pixels with depth value greater than the DepthRange::upper and less than the DepthRange::lower will be ignored.

Getter: MechEyeDevice::getDepthRange

Setter: MechEyeDevice::setDepthRange


Unit: mm

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 5000